We’ve recently started our own Discord server to make it easier to follow the current status of what we’re doing here, see new toots on Mastodon, discuss the YouTube and Twitch channels and just hang out together. Come join us!

I’m a big proponent of decentralized software, but you cannot argue with the reach and popularity of Discord. After some hemming and hawing of yours truly, I finally listened to my amazing community and went ahead and setup the Discord server. Your invite is right here: https://discord.gg/xkHEMUJqjt

What you will find is an inclusive, friendly and supportive community who likes to talk video games, memes and all things Imperor. Show off your pets, promote your own art and content. If you’re interested in where my content goes and what we’ll be up to together, Discord community members get a direct say and provide feedback such as:

  • Voting for what games will be played on stream
  • Giving suggestions on the Discord server
  • Connect with the community (and help make it even greater)

I am very grateful for anyone coming along on this journey. Come and check it out, say Hi and find a new, cozy little hang out spot in the cold wide reaches of the internet.